This is all for our beloved BIPOC community.
To keep them safe. To educate them on what a hate crime is and how to report it.
To arm them with the knowledge and self-assurance they need to protect themselves.
Join us in advocating for marginalized communities around the U.S.
Everything You Need to Know about Hate Crimes
The ‘411’ Section is a condensed version of the booklets in each respective language available
Where to Report a Hate Crime - Contacts by State
A team of passionate volunteers has worked to compile state-specific resources and government links.
Free E-Booklets
Be an Ambassador for Change
We are focused on creating long term solutions by educating marginalized groups on their rights and to feel empowered to live out their lives without fear of intimidation or humiliation; ideally to live in peace.
Over 100,000 copies of the booklets have been printed because of donors like you across the United States to protect those who can’t speak up for themselves.
Please make a donation for printing, distributing, and expanding our reach to more regions and more minority groups. Every cent matters and is most appreciated!
The reason it all started
Afraid for her own parents' safety, Esther Lim designed a booklet explaining how to report hate crimes to address the rise in Anti-Asian hate crimes
— Interview with Vicky Nguyen